Rule of International Law

Keep an eye on this topic. Will Russia (Putin) accept rule of law?

Russia Navalny: Strasbourg court condemns detentions of Putin foe
Europe's top human rights court has found that the repeated detention of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny was politically motivated.

Mr Navalny filed a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and was there to hear the ruling on Thursday.

The court found that his seven arrests between 2012 and 2014 had been aimed at "suppressing political pluralism".

Since then, police have arrested him several times again under protest laws.

"We've won," he tweeted after the verdict. "Completely. The government has been thrashed. They recognised Article 18 [of the European Convention on Human Rights]. Hurray!"
[Выиграли. Полностью. Правительство разгромлено. 18 статью признали. Ура! — Alexey Navalny (@navalny) November 15, 2018]

Under Article 18, citizens' rights and freedoms may not be restricted for political purposes.

Since leading mass protests in Moscow in 2011-12, he has campaigned against corruption under President Vladimir Putin and has embraced political causes such as opposition to the raising of the retirement age…

The court found that Mr Navalny's allegation that he had become a "particular target" "appeared "coherent in the context of a general move to bring the opposition under control"…

Russia was ordered to pay him damages and costs of €63,678 (£55,409; $71,950).

"It is a very clear judgment," Mr Navalny was quoted as saying by AFP news agency after the ruling.

"The European court recognises that it was a politically motivated arrest and persecution. It was very important not just for me but for other people all over Russia who are arrested every day."

The ECHR's role is to rule on alleged violations of the European Convention on Human Rights, which Russia ratified in 1998 when it joined the Council of Europe, an organisation which upholds the rule of law in Europe…

Russia has taken issue with previous ECHR verdicts such as one in 2014 which ordered Moscow to pay compensation to shareholders in the defunct Russian oil firm Yukos.

In 2015, the Russian parliament passed a law allowing the country's Constitutional Court to overrule ECHR judgements…

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