Brexit fears coming true

Pro-Brexit politicians deny that Britain's economy will be damaged by leaving the EU. Anti-Brexit pols will point to the closing of a Michelin factory in Scotland.

Michelin workers' shock at factory closure
Dundee Michelin factory workers have spoken of their shock after the company announced its intention to close the plant, with the loss of all 845 jobs.

The tyre factory will close by mid-2020 after the French firm deemed it "unsuitable" in the current climate…

Michelin Dundee manager John Reid said… "Clearly we have been operating in a very difficult market context for more than a year.

"We've had our volume cut three times this year.

"This year we actually produced the lowest volume we've ever produced in the factory, so it was clear that something fairly fundamental was happening."…

The union Unite has said the closure would be a "hammer-blow" to the city.

Michelin said the Dundee site, which opened in 1971 and specialised in smaller tyres, has suffered because of a shift in the market towards low-cost products from Asia.

The trade union representing many of the Dundee workers said it had not given up the fight to keep the factory open.

Unite's Scottish secretary Pat Rafferty said: "Unite has been aware of the challenging market situation facing the Michelin Group…

He added: "The workforce can be assured Unite will fight tooth and nail to save our factory, we will leave no stone unturned to keep this factory open.

"Unite will work day and night to ensure that all options remain on the table."

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