Boko Haram attacks more people
Despite the president's assertions, Boko Haram does not appear to be defeated.
Nigeria: 'Villages totally burned' in deadly Boko Haram attacks
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Nigeria: 'Villages totally burned' in deadly Boko Haram attacks
At least 12 civilians have been killed in multiple Boko Haram attacks targeting two villages and a camp for those displaced by fighting in northeastern Nigeria…
Boko Haram fighters arrived in seven trucks late on Wednesday and attacked Bulaburin and Kofa villages, as well as a camp in Dalori village outside Maiduguri…
"The terrorists attacked and completely burned Bulaburin and Kofa villages and burnt half the Dalori 2 IDP (internally displaced persons) camp," Babakura Kolo, civilian militia leader, told AFP news agency.
The fighters invaded the camp after overrunning troops and the militia and "burnt half the camp" by setting fires and firing rocket-propelled grenades on buildings…
The area has been attacked multiple times before by the Boko Haram faction loyal to Abubakar Shekau.
Despite government insistence that Boko Haram are near defeat, northern Nigeria is still hit by heavy fighting.
Since the group launched its campaign in 2009, Boko Haram has killed more than 20,000 people and forced two million others to flee their homes in northeast Nigeria.
Over the years, the armed group - which wants to form a breakaway Islamic state - has kidnapped thousands of adults and children.
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