Inequality not related to GDP

Oxfam (Oxfam?) identifies Nigeria as most unequal nation — again.

Nigeria Again Ranked Highest On Inequality Index
From "Daily Trust"

For the second time, Nigeria has been ranked the country with the highest inequality among its citizens by OXFAM.

OXFAM, a global civil society body that fights against injustice, and its partners indicate that Nigeria's social spending (on health, education and social protection) is shamefully low, which is reflected in very poor social outcomes for its citizens.

"One in 10 children in Nigeria does not reach their fifth birthday, and more than 10 million children do not go to school. Sixty percent of these are girls," the report said.

The index, released yesterday at the Annual International Monetary Fund and World Bank Meetings in Bali, Indonesia… showed that in the past year, Nigeria recorded increase in the number of labour rights violations. Its minimum wage has not increased since 2011 and social spending has stagnated.

The index ranked 157 countries on their policies on social spending, tax, and labour rights - three areas that the group believes are critical to reducing inequality.

Other countries with high inequality ranking include; Uzbekistan… Haiti… Chad… and Sierra Leone…

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