No respect from the "first world"

Is the evaluation of African cities by "first world" standards legitimate? What does it tell us about the evaluated and the evaluators?

Lagos ranked among 'world's worst cities' to live in
Seven out of the 10 least liveable cities in the world are in Africa, according the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) annual survey.

The league table ranks 140 cities on a range of factors, including political and social stability, crime, education and access to healthcare.
Carefully selected Lagos street scene
Nigeria's largest city, Lagos, was ranked 138 - two slots ahead of the bottom of the league table which is held by Syria's war-torn capital, Damascus (140).

It was closely followed by Zimbabwe's Harare (135), Libya's Tripoli (134), Cameroon's Douala (133), Algiers in Algeria (132) and Senegal's Dakar (131).

Johannesburg gained the rank of 86, making it the most livable of African cities.

The annual report says cities in the Middle East, Africa and Asia account for the ten-lowest scoring cities where "violence, whether through crime, civil insurgency, terrorism or war, has played a strong role".

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