Control social media

The great Chinese firewall is well known. Who's in charge of maintaining it? Why a protege of Xi Jinping. Is guanxi any different from the links between members of political elites elsewhere?

Beijing names new internet watchdog as China keeps door closed to global tech giants
China has officially named Zhuang Rongwen as the new chief of the agency supervising China’s internet.
Zhuang Rongwen
The announcement that Zhuang would replace Xu Lin as head of the Cyberspace Administration of China confirms a report by the South China Morning Post last week, which also said that President Xi Jinping was seeking to shake up the country’s propaganda and censorship wings.

Xu, a former aide to Xi in Shanghai, is expected to become the party’s new international propaganda chief, sources told the Post last week…

Zhuang, in his new role as China’s cyberspace tsar, will be a key figure for global technology giants trying to get a foothold in the market of about 800 million online users…

China still bans a long list of social media platforms and websites from accessing the China market, including Twitter, Google, Instagram, YouTube and Facebook…

Zhuang, 57, who earlier worked under Xi in the province of Fujian, is rising quickly in the official hierarchy…

Zhuang’s career path had little to do with ideology control before his promotion to the cyberspace administration in 2015 as a deputy director…

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