Parliamentary procedure in the UK

The speaker of the House of Commons, the present one was chosen by the Conservatives, has a great deal of power, but it is mostly used in traditional ways. Not so, the other day. Boris Johnson, the foreign minister, has a lot of power and a lack of inhibition.

Boris Johnson’s ‘sexist’ behavior swiftly shut down in the House of Commons
British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth

He once described Hillary Clinton as “a sadistic nurse in a mental hospital” with “dyed blond hair and pouty lips, and a steely blue stare.”…

In an on-camera interview, he somewhat nonsensically compared the European Union to a “gigantic lobster. With butter sauce.”…

And in Parliament on Tuesday, he referred to Emily Thornberry, the shadow foreign secretary for the opposition Labour Party, as Lady Nugee. Nugee is the last name of Thornberry's husband, Christopher.

Johnson appeared to be disparaging Thornberry for asking whether the government is prepared to take Russia to an international criminal court over the poisoning of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter on British soil…

That comment prompted a sharp admonition from the speaker of the House of Commons, who deemed it “sexist” and “inappropriate.”

“We do not namecall in this chamber,” John Bercow said to applause from Labour lawmakers. “We do not address people by the titles of their spouses. The shadow foreign secretary has a name, and it is not 'Lady Something.' ”

Bercow went on: “It is inappropriate and frankly sexist to speak in those terms, and I am not having it in this chamber. That is the end of the matter. That parlance is not legitimate, and it will not be allowed, and it will be called out.”…

“I heartily tender my apologies to the right honorable lady if she was offended by what I said, and I meant no harm,” Johnson said…

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